DMFT Dhanbad

District Mineral Foundation (Trust) has been formed under the provisions laid in section 9 (B) of The Mine and Minerals Development and Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2015 for sharing the mineral wealth with communities in the mining areas. The Government of Jharkhand has notified the rules for functioning of DMFT vide gazette notification regarding Jharkhand District Mineral Foundation Trust (JDMFT) guidelines as per the provisions laid out in the Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) of the Government of India. The formation of the trust is in line with the landmark of Supreme Court judgment in Samatha Vs State of Andhra Pradesh in 1997 (Popularly known as Samatha Judgement). This judgement has given a balance between the right of the state to exploit its mineral wealth and duty to safeguard the interest of people who reside in mineral rich areas. District Mineral Foundation Dhanbad is a statutory Trust established as a not-for-profit body by the Government of was registered under the section 9 (B) of The Mine and Minerals Development and Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2015 on 4th February, 2016. A specified proportion of the mining royalty paid by every holder of mining lease or a prospecting licence-cum-mining lease granted in Dhanbad district is collected in District Mineral Foundation Trust, Dhanbad to be utilized (i). To implement various developmental and welfare projects/ programs in mining affected areas. (ii). To minimize/ mitigate the adverse impacts, during and after mining, on the environment. (iii). To ensure long-term sustainable livelihoods for the affected people in mining areas.




Priority Area

Priority Area : 2115.81 Cr.
Expenditure : 1340.64 Cr.
No. of Projects : 899

Other Priority Area

Other Priority Area : 635.05 Cr.
Expenditure : 242.15 Cr.
No. of Projects : 264

DMF Fund Collection

Coal Fund Collection (Cumulative) : 3496.18 Cr
Minor Minerals Fund Collection (Cumulative) : 26.25 Cr

DMF Fund Status

Sanctioned Fund : 2750.86 Cr
Receipt Fund : 3,522.43 Cr
Expenditure : 1582.79 Cr
No. of Projects : 1163

Public Grievances